Trump lacks the final punch

When in school, I had learnt 1 thing- practical knowledge is better than bookish knowledge.
I can say that when I compare the two i.e. Trump and University of Victory, I find that my learnings are examplified.
Trump teaches you how to be an entrepreneur, how to get leads, how to be successful etc. etc.
If you know how a car works, how it functions, how the steering wheel works, what the components of the car is, but, you have never driven a car, you will be as scratchy as a guy who is trying to learn driving........
Knowledge is good, but you must know how and where to implement it!
This is where University of Victory gets a positive. It not only teaches you the "how tos", but it also guides you on the path of entrepreneurship.
Thats what I would call a program.....
Its made for the people who genuinely want to succeed.
I dont know how old Victory Darwin is...but he definately has some good wisdom.

Comparing Trump University and University of Victory..again..

Yes, I was impressed as well, by the course that this University of Victory offers to create true entrepreneurs. The thing, which I liked most, is that, UofV has paid much attention to some important points that seems to be not that important primarily and is often overlooked by most of the self-study courses of entrepreneurship. UofV has included things like personal relationship, balancing between personal and professional life, how to reduce stress, how to handle pressure and many other psychological aspects required in becoming a TRUE entrepreneur. I think all these are missing in the courses mentioned in Trump University and this way UofV is definitely a step ahead.

Trump vs victory

One more thing which caught my fancy was the immense potential it had in its course to create true entrepreneurs. What I mean here is the spectrum of online and offline business opportunities which it has to offer. Online opportunities would mean launching your website and generating business out of it by helping you with guidelines and tips from the books as well as Victory himself. Apart from this, the course helps you with offline business opportunities too in the form of mailers , sales promotions and joint ventures to name a few.
There is another section which also mentions how to start a business venture with zero investment : Product research, test marketing, prototyping, sell the concept, outsourcing, commission sales, affiliate ventures are some of the important topics which have been discussed.

I found this quite interesting and quite helpful, something which is not there in TrumpU.

Trump vs Victory

Yes, there does seem to be some stiff competition between the two. However, Victory does admit it to be some sort of a copy of trump but I guess, he takes off from where Trump left it !
Victory's course is far more comprehensive and some added modules . Apart from the regular text book materials, they have also introduced some DVD's , teleseminars, business coaching and an interactive session with Victory himself ! This makes it more interesting than the boring text book stuff which most courses provide.

We can safely say that Trump was a success during his times but its always good to have healthy competition and acquire newer knowledge and keep yourself updated.

Trump University Versus University of Victory contd...

Another thing which I would like to mention about this University of Victory is that, I found out, it holds a 3 day seminar where the entrepreneurs can meet each other and not only that, they are given good opportunity to listen to some of these great men in this field of entrepreneurship. This is something the Trump University does not provide. Apart from this, University of Victory claims to provide about 24 DVDs and 24 books along with 10x90 minute teleseminar. However, this does not prove Trump University any less. They too provide a 2000 page business encyclopedia plus 4 audio cd's which is of top quality. Moreover, Donald Trump's name on it's product itself, does everything for Trump University. So, I would like to say, or rather, I would like to repeat myself by saying that there seems to be a real tough competition between these two big names.

How does University of Victory compare to trump

Heard a lot about the Trump University. It's really good. In this field of self-study course on Entrepreneurship, this Trump University has made it big, no doubt about that. The course is called "entrepreneurship mastery". And to my surprise, I came across this University of Victory, which has just launched a program similar to the Trump University's Entrepreneurship Mastery program, and believe me, it's as good as the Trump University. In fact, I would give University of Victory some few points more than this Trump University because, I have done some research and found out that University of Victory has a distributorship opportunity where you can make $1000 on the $1500 package. This is something, which the Trump University does not offer. Isn't that great. I think that's simply superb! Tough competition between Trump University and University of victory...let's see which one wins the race.